10. Project Initial Walkthrough

Project Initial Walkthrough

Download the Starter Code

The starter project is on GitHub: https://github.com/udacity/course-ajax. You can clone the project by running the following Git command in your terminal:

git clone https://github.com/udacity/course-ajax.git

Once you've cloned the project, you'll notice that it has three separate folders:

  1. lesson-1-async-w-xhr
  • lesson-2-async-w-jQuery
  • lesson-3-async-w-fetch

Make sure to work on the files for the correct lesson. Since this is the first lesson, we'll be working in the lesson-1-async-w-xhr directory.

Create Your Accounts

To complete these final steps, you'll need accounts with Unsplash and The New York Times.


The New York Times

Unsplash Request

In our app, the variable searchedForText contains the text we're interested in, and we'll set the onload property to a function called addImage (which is a do-nothing function that we'll flesh out in a moment). If we temporarily set searchedForText to "hippos", the code for the XHR call to Unsplash is:

function addImage(){}
const searchedForText = 'hippos';
const unsplashRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();

unsplashRequest.open('GET', `https://api.unsplash.com/search/photos?page=1&query=${searchedForText}`);
unsplashRequest.onload = addImage;


…but if you try running this code, you'll get an error.

Unsplash Request Quiz

The request for Unsplash doesn''t work because it needs an HTTP header to be sent along. What is the XHR method to add a header to the request? Check out the documentation for help!

SOLUTION: .setRequestHeader()